
For my Studio Project at Noroff University College, lasting two semesters, I created an image series depicting old Norwegian architecture with some elements of fantasy. This old hunting cabin was the front of my project, featuring an unrealistic scouting tower mounted on the roof.


The second installation to this project, was the traditional Norwegian storehouse. With a twist, my storehouse stretches three stories above the ground, opposed to the traditional two.


The final structure for the Old Norwegian Architecture project is the boathouse with a huge mechanical harpoon mounted on the roof. In this segment of the project, I also got to develop my abilities to render water semi-realistic.


This project was done in my spare time to develop my skills in modeling, texturing and lighting. It is a replica of an AT-AT, or Imperial Walker from the Star Wars franchise.


"Torbot" was the first project that really got me into working with 3D art as a creative tool for story telling. I worked on the project during my last year at high school. This image series tells the story of an tiny, old, rusty robot looking for friendship in a desolate environment. This project convinced me that 3D art and modeling was something I wanted to focus on, and as a result, I applied to the 3D Design and Animation course at Noroff Vocational school in Oslo.


Binary Opposites (2015)

Binary Opposites is a 3D short, created as a school project at Noroff, over the course of a semester. It was created in collaboration with Bjørn Aksel Hensvold and Morten Korsmo Sommerstad, with music created by Tristan Gray. My primary tasks in the project, where pre production, modeling assets and environment, some character animation, texturing and lighting as well as rendering and post production.

Binary Opposites - Animatic

This animatic was created during the pre production phase of the Binary Opposites project. All images, editing and animation is done by me.

Storyboard Animatic - Space Engine

This animatic was created over a two month period at Noroff Fagskole in Oslo. It was part of a source focusing on cinematography and narrative.


Z Web Development

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Direction Thecnology

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JB Logo

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My CFI Book

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo, ab!

Print Zone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Alias, illum.

Sara Lynn

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur, veniam?

Svartsaetra Plakat

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus, dolores.

Consept Art

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Planet Dunus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Distinctio, iusto.